Friday, February 4, 2011


In a delightfully unexpected turn of events, Liz, Matt & Jack had the chance to spend the last week of January taking in the stunningly beautiful scenery in Sedona, Arizona with Nana and Grampy.

Jack (yep, thats the back of his head), Nana and Liz at West Fork.

Matt, Liz & Grampy at Chicken Point. We were brave enough to go on the Jeep Tour while Nana was wise enough to spend some quality time with Jack at the condo.

Jack spend lots of time cozied up in the ErgoBaby carrier, seeing the sights without breaking a sweat.

The quintessential Sedona shot- Sunset at Cathedral Rock.


  1. Wow- everything looks so beautiful there! You guys certainly picked a good week to get out of town!

    I have been meaning to ask you about the ergobaby- remind me next time- I'm considering looking into one for this next little one's arrival!

    Hope you are getting some sleep and enjoying peace and quiet with out Matt around- haha!

  2. Wonderful pictures Liz, Matt and Jack. So glad you all got to spend a week in such a beautiful place. Keep the pictures coming! Love, Aunt Melissa xoxo
